Make sure your system is updated and you agree to these terms. Then enjoy all the convenience E-Statements offer.
System Requirements:
Must have a valid email address and be signed up for Online Banking.
Must have the ability to view documents in a PDF format to receive statements.
Must log on to First Bank Texas website (Online Banking) at least once every 90 days.
E-Statement and Account E-Notice/Disclosure Agreement:
In consideration of the E-Statements to be provided by First Bank Texas as described from time to time in information distributed by First Bank Texas to its customers, the undersigned CUSTOMER agrees as follows:
I the undersigned hereby requests and authorizes First Bank Texas to send notice of regular periodic account statement(s) to me or my agent, in lieu of a paper copy, in electronic format for all accounts. The periodic statements can be viewed via the First Bank Texas web site with a password. By utilizing this SERVICE, you agree to be bound to all rules and regulations applicable to your deposit account and any other contract for services at First Bank Texas as established and amended by First Bank Texas.
You agree to promptly review E-statement and notify First Bank Texas of any errors within 60 days as described in “In Case of Errors or Questions about Your Statement” disclosure.
You agree to receive periodic account notices in an electronic format. First Bank Texas will provide this information in a clear, conspicuous manner that you can print and/or store. The consent granted by this paragraph applies to all accounts. First Bank Texas will notify you of any material change in hardware or software required for retrieving or storing this disclosure information. If your E-Statement is returned to us undeliverable we will discontinue your E-Statement services. At the bank’s discretion we have the right to convert all communications on your account to electronic.
You have the right to withdraw your consent to receive E-Statements at any time. To withdraw consent you may contact one of our personal bankers or come by any of our locations and inform us that you want to withdraw your consent or, you can mail your request to First Bank Texas.
Click here to view the First Bank Texas location nearest you.
You understand that you have the right to obtain a paper copy of any of the above-described E-Statements. To obtain a paper copy, you must make a specific request to the First Bank Texas at the above address. Research fees specified in the First Bank Texas’ Schedule of Fees and Charges may apply to your request pursuant to this paragraph.
In the event that you fail to access your account via our online banking service at least once every 90 days our system will automatically mail you a paper statement each month.
You agree to notify First Bank Texas immediately if you are unable to access any of the information that has been delivered by the bank in an electronic form or manner.
You agree to provide First Bank Texas with signed, written notice if your email address changes.
If your account(s) are jointly owned, any one account owner may consent to receive E-Statements and that election will apply to all account holders.
First Bank Texas reserves the right to terminate E-Statement(s) services at anytime.